Sunday, November 9, 2008

Open thread

Post links to interesting articles here.

Now that I've started this, unfortnately I have to be on the road for a bit. So I don't know how much I can put new stuff up here in the next few days. So, I'd encourage others to do so. Eventually, we'll have to figure out a way to let more than just me put new posts on here. But for now, just put links into a thread like this one. :) Long term, I want a community and what's interesting to that community, not just my idea of what are interesting articles.

One reason of course is because I have to work a day job, so this is at best a part time thing for me. I'm not like some other sites who get hundreds of thousands of dollars of subsidies, and thus can push party propaganda full time. So, to make this a more interesting site, it would be better if others could also post interesting articles up here.

BTW, welcome to everyone who's found this place. :)

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