Thursday, February 5, 2009

Green960 Radio and Cindy Sheenhan's Soapbox

I guess I'm still on Cindy Sheehan's email lists after the elections. One thing I got from her was a letter saying she's already planning on running against Pelosi again in 2010. Yahoo! Pelosi needs a challenger. And one thing I think we have a problem with is that too many of our political campaigns are 'one and done'. We need to build a grassroots movement, and to do it in the face of massive propaganda. That doesn't happen overnight, and having the same campaign just roll over into the next cycle is a very good way to fight.

Her recent email was about her radio show. And it mentioned that it could be 'podcast' (ie played back anytime) on the website. Then, the link I followed not only led me to her shows, but also what seems like a bunch of other decent voices from the left. So, I thought I'd pass it along. And I'll also add it to the lists on the left. Podcast Page

1 comment:

Lyle said...

Cindy is on twitter @cindysheehan but not twittering. Last and only entry said she was fasting to stop torture and turn guantanemo into a vegetable patch. I'm following her as Citizensnews. Peace.