Wednesday, January 7, 2009


What does silence mean?

I fear I've grown silent the last week or so. On a personal level, I've been with friends and family celebrating the holidays. A wonderful time. But, when I try to read the news, I get depressed at what I can only describe as the mass murder of hundreds of people, the wounding and maiming of thousands more, and what seems to be the collective torture of a million and half peopl by the US and Israel. The result is silence as I turn back towards the pleasant. A silence driven by a sense of powerlessness.

But, what is silence when one does have the power to stop this if one wanted to? If one is the President-elect, and who with a word could do much to bring this to a halt, what then does silence mean? Sometimes silence is complicity. Sometimes silence is support. Sometimes silence is collaboration. When speaking a word could end horror, what then is silence?

Since I'm not posting much right now, here's an open thread .....


Lyle said...

Have you tried shopping?

Lyle said...

Fast food? Apparently it is popular in these hard times.

Lyle said...

Sometimes silence is golden.

KDelphi said...

I am feeling pretty discouraged about our ability to get the politicians to listen to us on this one...I wanted to let you know I was still around, mostly...

glad you had a good holiday.

There are efforts, of course, but, if the US govt doesnt stop giving Israel military will be for naught, I am afraid.Obama certainly isnt going to do anything about it.

We will pay a heavy price for, both the "non vote" of the uS in the UN SC, as well as the Dems support for the bill backing Israel...

Another f-you to liberals..

KDelphi said...

Doesnt seem to be anybody here anymore...Cd is boring.

I'll check back in a couple days.