Monday, July 13, 2009

The Obama Justice System

The Obama Justice System by Glenn Greenwald on

...even for those detainees to whom the Obama administration deigns to give a real trial in a real court, the President has the power to continue to imprison them indefinitely even if they are acquitted at their trial. About this assertion of "presidential post-acquittal detention power" -- an Orwellian term (and a Kafka-esque concept) that should send shivers down the spine of anyone who cares at all about the most basic liberties -- Ackerman wrote, with some understatement, that it "moved the Obama administration into new territory from a civil liberties perspective." Law professor Jonathan Turley was more blunt: "The Obama Administration continues its retention and expansion of abusive Bush policies — now clearly Obama policies on indefinite detention."

Wow, so if the King says you're guilty, then you're guilty. No matter what some useless jury says.

This has been a long and steady fight for nearly a thousand years now. Dates all the way back the Magna Carta, when the rebellious English peasants tried to put some limit on the power of the king to just throw anyone they wanted into prison. They insisted then that anyone had the right to a trial by a jury of citizens. This is the first and most fundamental right that exists in a western democracy. If the king can throw anyone in prison at any time for as long as they want, then it can't be a free society and a democracy.

Think about that the next time they tell you that they are doing this to 'protect your freedoms.'

Of course, its always some 'other' who's thrown in jail. But then again, they always come for somebody else first. The key question to ask is this ... "If we allow our government to have this power, who else will they use it on in the future?" These things always seem to grow and get worse.

And of course, the really big question is this. How long will the people on the left continue to support Obama as he continues one awful Bush policy after another? The 2010 elections are coming up. Right now is the time to be organizing the grassroots campaigns that we need to challenge for congressional seats. The best way to send a strong message of 'Stop This!' to the Democrats is to be seen to be organizing those campaigns right now.

Meanwhile, another view of Democratic justice here in Colorado. Colorado is a medical marijuana state. This means that if a doctor certifies that you are a patient that has conditions that may benefit from marijuana, such as nausea or severe pain, then you can register with the state. You can also designate a care-giver who is allowed to grow marijuana for you.

This was set in the Colorado Constitution when an amendment was passed in 2000. Now the State Board of Health is trying to change the rules to make this much harder on people trying to use marijuana for health issues. They want to pass changes in the law saying a 'care-giver' can only serve five patients. And that they also have to come over and cook or clean.

Huh? Not exactly sure what a cleaning lady and someone who knows how to grow good pot have in common? Sounds like at best they are playing with semantics about the word 'care-giver'. The bottom line is that they seem to be intent on messing with people who use marijuana for medical conditions.

I'm waiting for the companion bill that says that Walgreens can only serve five patients per pharmacist, and that the people who make Viagra have to come over and clean up my house.

Keep in mind, this is an issue that was voted on by the citizens of Colorado and passed in a statewide election. Keep in mind also that currently the Governor of Colorado is a Democrat (Bill Ritter), and the Democrats control both houses of the state legislature. Thus, there's no doubt that this is a Democratic policy.

We keep being told that we are fighting for 'democracy'. But, shouldn't 'democracy' mean that when the voters in a state express their support for a policy, that the state officials should respect and implement that policy. Instead, it appears that the officials of the government elected and paid for by the citizens are opposing the policy the citizens have said they want implemented.

When the government refuses to act on the expressed wishes of the people, its not a 'democracy'. Just like it isn't 'freedom' when the President can hold anyone in prison even after they are acquitted by a jury.

Gawd, gotta love those Democrats. And this is better than the Republicans exactly how?

Sensible Colorado: Working for an Effective Drug Policy

PS ... if anyone in Colorado sees this, come to the State Board of Health hearing on July 20th at 8:30am in Denver at ...Turnhalle Room, Tivoli Student Union, Conference Room 250, Auraria Campus, 900 Auraria Parkway, Denver, CO 80204.

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